Uryadi's Village is a 501c3 Non-Profit (EIN #47-1129664) in the USA, as well as registered charity in Canada (#820329167RR0001) and Ethiopia
There are over 4,500,000 orphaned children in Ethiopia.
-UNICEF, Humanium, SOS Children’s Villages International
In short, there is great need in Ethiopia. And positive change has to start somewhere.
The mission of Uryadi's Village is to provide comprehensive care for orphaned and vulnerable children, with a special focus on those who have unique developmental and medical needs, because every child is worthy. Our permaculture-based village in Soddo, Ethiopia offers each child a loving, family style home, reliable clean water and sanitation, sustainably grown and nutrient rich food, excellent medical and therapeutic care, and effective educational opportunities. Uryadi's Village is intended to serve as a model that can be adapted to empower other child care systems for orphaned and vulenrable children.
Uryadi’s Village is dedicated to uplifting communities for children. The current environment of institutionalized orphan care and foreign aid needs to be addressed. It is our mission to care for, love, and listen to each and every child, while creating a replicable model for empowerment that encourages local engagement, including facilitation of local adoption into Ethiopian families when appropriate.
For more information on how we got started, check out the Our Story page.
Uryadi's Village is a 501c3 Non-Profit (EIN #47-1129664) in the USA, as well as registered charity in Canada (#820329167RR0001) and Ethiopia. To make a donation to Uryadi's Village, please use the secure links below. US residents please donate in USD and Canadian residents, please donate in CAD to receive your charitable donation receipts.
You can also send your donations by check directly to:
Uryadi's Village
P.O. BOX 1086
Sandpoint, ID 83864